COVID-19 Event Planning Resources
COVID-19 Event Planning
COVID-19 Event Planning Information
General GuidelinesGeneral Guidelines
Campus event hosts are strongly encouraged to consider all possibilities such as conducting their event online and/or through other virtual means.
Contracted events with external parties will be cancelled for spring 2021 unless they qualify for an exemption.
In extremely few situations, exemptions may be requested and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Approval or denial will be determined by the Senior Director of the University Center and Event Services in consultation with the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, as needed.
In person campus sponsored events will have no more than 50 people for indoor events and 75 people for outdoor events space permitting based on current social distancing requirements,
Limitations are based on Level Orange COVID 19 state guidelines as of January 7, 2021. Should El Paso County change COVID 19 levels, new occupancy limits will be communicated out to the campus community.
In general, the university will not allow off-campus visitors to attend in-person campus events.
This does not include individual meetings with off-campus individuals that take place in private settings such as offices or visitors such as guest lecturers, presenters, or panelists invited to an academic class.
Event hosts must agree to have all attendees follow university rules and regulations, with regards to COVID-19 limitations, mask wearing requirements, and social distancing.
This may include additional health screening or last-minute changes that could impact the program’s delivery.
If any campus funds or other university resources are being used for a specific event, an event cannot be moved to an off-campus location to circumvent these regulations.
Event Planning GuidelinesEvent Planning Guidelines
There must be a system in place for RSVPs at all events and meetings.
To assist with contact tracing, each event must have a check-in area where name, phone number and time of arrival or entry into the event will be recorded.
Events with off-campus attendees may require more in-depth planning to maintain the safety of the campus community.
No receptions or social mingling events can be held until further notice.
All events must have a structured program and purpose.
A “Know Before You Go” communication must be sent prior to the event.
This will be required to instruct attendees on appropriate social distancing and health and safety procedures.
Student focused programs, with the goal to recruit or retain students, will have priority when it comes to reserving events in auxiliary spaces.
Preference will be determined on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Meeting Rooms:
Two auxiliary spaces have been assigned as classroom space for spring 2021 and will be used for academic purposes. Use for non-academic purposes will be extremely limited.
These spaces are Shockley-Zalabak Theatre and the Chapman Foundations Recital Hall at the Ent Center. Smaller meeting rooms have been set to meet COVID-19 gathering restrictions and are not to be reset. This will allow for spaces to be cleaned thoroughly between meetings/events and maximizing space usage.
Exemption Requests to Allow Off-Campus VisitorsExemption Requests to Allow Off-Campus Visitors
In general, the university will not allow off-campus visitors to attend in-person campus events.
In a few situations, an exemption to these regulations may be granted.
University colleges, departments, student clubs and organizations can request and receive an exemption to allow off-campus visitors to attend their hosted event, if the event meets one or more of the following criteria:
Event organizer(s) can demonstrate that the event/program/meeting is mission critical to the university, division, college, or department.
Event is a campus sponsored student recruitment event.
Event participation results in recognition of participation by the university such as the awarding of academic credit, certificate of participation, credentialing, badging, CEU, etc. for a specific discipline or profession.
Examples of programs that would automatically qualify for an exemption are: Campus Connections (COE) and Public Safety Initiative (SPA).
Event is for an academic purpose and tied to an academic class.
Event is part of a recognized community partnership with UCCS Downtown Presence, Cybersecurity Building, Lane Center, William J. Hybl Sports Medicine and Performance Center, or Ent Center for the Arts (certain limitations will apply to the Ent Center based on venues use for academic classrooms).
Event involves active fundraising for UCCS student scholarships that can only be facilitated in person.
The “ask” must be relevant and prevalent in the program.
Events that are just recognition events will not be approved.
Must demonstrate what significant financial impact would result from not hosting the event.
In order to request an exemption to allow off-campus visitors to attend an event, the event host must submit via this format to the Event Services Office including the following information:
A brief description of the event including estimated attendance (broken down into campus and off-campus participants).
Explanation as to why the event is mission critical to the college, division, department or university mission.
Explanation as to why the event cannot be facilitated virtually or online.
Provide a plan for meeting all COVID-19 health and safety guidelines.
Provide a plan of action on how host will minimize interaction between campus and off-campus attendees.
Campus attendees will be seated together, separately, from off-campus attendees if feasible, and all will follow campus health and safety protocols.
Speakers from off-campus will participate in the program portion only, and not staying for the entirety of the event.
Catering GuidelinesCatering Guidelines
Events seeking to serve food must use UCCS Dining and Hospitality Services (DHS) for catering.
To comply with new COVID guidelines and provide a safe dining environment, the focus at DHS Catering this year is on individual, pre-plated meals, snacks and beverages at all events. The culinary team has drafted new menus to accommodate this type of service. Catering will be considered “drop off”, and event organizers must identify someone to distribute meals to its guests. In addition, if a hot food option is ordered, DHS must have access to an electrical outlet near the service table to keep food hot.
In order to mitigate risk, in-person catering staff present at events will be limited.
DHS can modify its event support to meet most event needs.
Procedures for catering exemptions and donations remain in effect.
Once guests are seated at their tables, they may remove their masks to eat, but must maintain social distancing guidelines.
Masks must be worn by guests, when not seated at their table.
Student Life GuidelinesStudent Life Guidelines
Students are encouraged to meet virtually as much as possible.
For some organizations (i.e., social sororities and fraternities), it may be considered mission-critical to have some events held in person.
In the example of sororities and fraternities, in-person recruitment events may be deemed mission-critical.
All student clubs must follow university COVID-19 gathering regulations, as they are meeting in a university space.
While some student club meetings and events are normally open to the public, attendance will now be restricted to university campus community members only.
Only UCCS students will be invited to student life related events. No external guests will be permitted to attend.
Student clubs and organizations may have external presenters or speakers at their events but only via online/virtually means.
Intercollegiate Athletic EventsIntercollegiate Athletic Events
- Intercollegiate athletic events will follow all UCCS COVID-19 health and safety protocols as well as RMAC and NCAA regulations regarding on and off campus participants at sporting events.